Are You Looking For a Coach, or a Mentor That Can Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level? You’re in the Right Place! Congratulations on Considering Getting a Coach! Below on This Page You’ll See 5 Different Options How to “Hire” My Brain to Get Results in YOUR Business!
Option #1: Mentoring
Most network marketers are struggling with lead generation and leveraging the Internet to grow their business.
I know I have.. So with this option you’re going to get access the exact system that I plugged into in 2014, and that has absolutely transformed my business.
Without this platform I would not be where I am today. That was definitely a missing link that I didn’t have. Why? Because you need education, you need the tools, and ultimately you need a community of people that will help you along the way. That last “component” kept me going when things got tough.
What this platform is teaching you is branding, lead generation and the REAL marketing strategies. Because let me be honest with you (and you may not like that, but it’s true). Network marketing companies do NOT teach you marketing. They may only teach you prospecting and a little bit of closing, but NO marketing. That’s where this training platform with my mentoring comes into place. Prospecting is a faster way to make money. However, marketing is long term, and that’s what most people don’t have in place.
The platform you’re about to get access is MLSP. The membership is on a month to month basis and can be cancelled at any time, so there is not contract or obligation on your name. But keep in mind, that MLSP gives you the necessary tools to operate your business, as well as personal development which is absolutely crucial.
There’s a 10 day trial for $10 to get started, so you can see the system from the inside, and see if it’s for you. And then it’s only $149/mo, where you not only get access to the tools and trainings, but also to an amazing community and the top leaders in the industry.
Here’s What You Get:
✔How to use Attraction Marketing principles to grow your home business, so that you become the hunted instead of the hunter.
✔How to effectively brand and market yourself online so that people come to YOU interested in what you have to offer.
✔Marketing strategies that help you generated targeted leads for your particular niche.
✔Daily action steps that you need to follow, which give you more clarity.
✔Access to Private Facebook groups, where you can ask any questions and get unstuck in your business. You also get access to top leaders, so you are surrounded with the RIGHT people.
✔A premium blogging platform, so you can have your blog up and running within a few days.
✔Access to CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) so you can follow up with your leads like a 6- or 7-figure earner.
✔Access to Funnelizer – capture page and funnel creation software.
✔And much much more (including some of my personal bonuses that I give away).
If you were to pay for all of that separately, that would be hundreds and hundreds of dollars every single month. With MLSP you’re only paying $149 per month. Oh, and you get to make some extra income if you decide to become an affiliate 😉
So if you’re dead serious about learning real marketing skills that will serve you for the next decades, this is your BEST option. Can’t go wrong with everything you’re gonna get access to.
When you make a decision to get started, click on the button below, and shoot me a message on Facebook, so we can get discuss your goals and and move on to your first steps.
Option #2: Private Coaching
Do you need an accountability partner to give you a little nudge or a “kick in the butt” to get yourself going? Having an accountability buddy has made a HUGE impact on my business, when I decided to go hard in November 2015. I found somebody who was working on the same goals as I was, and we kept each other accountable. Even though that was great, I needed somebody to really PUSH me. So this year I got a coach, who gave me that push and stretched me to do more, so I dropped all my excuses.
I offer several options for private coaching, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish and how much time you’d like to work together. The key here is accountability, because for most people that’s a challenge. We all have parents who push us to do things when we’re kids. We have teachers that push us to do homework or we get bad grades. At a job we have a boss who gives us assignments. In the home business you are all by yourself. My goal is to PUSH you to do more, as well as to help you get your brand and strategy in place!
Here’s What’s Included in the Program:
✔Coaching & Accountability Program.
✔One 1-hour coaching call once a week.
✔Full access to me through Skype and WhatsApp so you can ask questions during the program and get unstuck.
✔A custom roadmap to hitting your goal and a full marketing plan that you can follow.
✔Starting your own branded blog & why it’s important to have one.
✔Where to get content ideas for your blog & for social media channels.
✔Create a daily method of operation for massive consistency & results in your business.
This is open to ONLY 5 people each month because of my time commitment to YOU, so it will be first come, first serve. Apply below to see if you qualify.
Option #3: 1 Hour Coaching Call
If you’re limited on time, but would love to get 1-on-1 assistance, then this is the best option for you! I had my biggest breakthroughs when I got a coach, with whom I’d be able to hop on a phone, and ask questions, as well as get more clarity with my business. Coaches truly see what you don’t see.
And this is exactly what you usually need. One little tweak that’s going to make the whole difference. I’ve done tons of coaching calls up to this point, and I absolutely LOVE seeing transformations that happen to the clients. Are you ready for that big breakthrough, that you know you deserve? Are you ready to play BIG?
Unfortunately, I’m not able to take a lot of coaching calls based on the time commitment I’m making to helping YOU. That’s why I’m opening only 5 spots per month. You can apply below to see if you qualify.
Your Investment for a 1 Hour Consultation is $197.
Option #4: Blog Review
Still trying to make blogging work for you and your business? Not generating enough leads? Or having some challenges with the technical aspect of it? As they say – the devil is in the details. And with blogging that is absolutely spot on! In most cases you just need to have somebody to look over it and they will see what you don’t see.
Every time I’m looking at somebody else’s blogging, I see some minor (or even major) mistakes that have to be fixed. A lot of the times people reach out to me with questions. That’s the reason I have this service – to help YOU and your blogging efforts. Because I believe you would agree – it takes TIME to make blogging work, and you want to get it going ASAP!
What you’re gonna get is a recorded video of me going over your blog, and telling you EXACTLY what you need to fix & more importantly – HOW to fix that. What would that be worth to you?
Your Total Investment is Only $97 (and it is limited to 10 people per month)
Option #5: Done-For-You MLSP Sites Blog Setup
Are you currently in MLSP and getting started with setting up your blog? Having some difficult challenges with the entire setup and getting your blog functional? This blog is the one I setup on my own, so I can help you get your blogging going! That’s why I decided to put together this special service to save you tons of time and frustration, so you can focus on income producing activities, while I make the magic with your blog.
Here’s what you’re getting:
✔Complete MLSP Sites Blog Setup – $997 Value
✔Custom Design With Branded to You Header- $117 Value
✔Custom Cheat Sheet For Every Blog Post (Copy/Paste) – $147 Value
Total Value: $1,261
Special Offer: Only $497

To Apply, Please Fill Out the Application Form Below, And I’ll Respond Back Within 24-48 Hours!
[contact-form-7 id=”5658″ title=”Coaching/Services”]