11 Ways to Increase Website Traffic

The biggest question today is how to increase website traffic. You can start blogging in 5 minutes or so, but if you don’t have an audience, no one sees your content, and you’re basically speaking to yourself. 

How to grow your blog? How to grow your audience? How to increase website traffic? 

So in today’s post I share 11 ways how to increase website traffic and grow your audience. I also attached a pretty cool infographic at the end with some advanced traffic strategies.

1.Work on your headlines.

Your headline is the catch. This is what triggers people to read your whole blog post. So in order for you to create a good headline, first of all think of a topic that you’re going to write about. Then choose the keyword that you can rank for

2.Focus on providing unique quality content for your audience. Not only your audience wants that content, but also Google, because as you might have heard that already – Content is King.

3.Make your content easy to share. People like to share content. When you go to Facebook, articles are all over the place. So it’s your duty to make your content shareable. Install a plugin like Shareaholic, or SumoMe. There are plenty of them. But you MUST have it. 

4.Share your content on Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+. That’s a great way to get eyeballs on your content. Share your blog posts on every social media, and in relevant groups.

5.Every time you publish a blog post, send it to social bookmarking sites, like StumbleUpon and Digg. This actually does work!

6.When it comes to SEO and keyword research, focus on long-tail keywords. It’s much easier to rank your content with less competition. Be very specific with your topic. 

7.Participate in forums related to your niche that you market in. You can either go to WarriorForum or simply search in Google for “Niche + Forum”. You’ll find a LOT of them. And make sure you don’t spam your website link all over the place. Engage in the forum topics, contribute and put your blog link where relevant.

8.Promote your blog posts to your list of subscribers. Don’t spend too much time on it, because you obviously want to generate more leads with your blog, but your subscribers are people who already know you, and you develop relationships with them by providing valuable content regularly. 

9.If you want to get quality backlinks to your website, be sure to leave comments on popular blogs within your niche. And I don’t mean just any comment. Leave a meaningful comment, contribute, stand out.

10.Update your blog regularly. The more you blog, the more you get in motion, and the traffic goes UP UP UP. That’s what I personally found myself. When you take a big break, for a week or so, the traffic goes down. And it’s hard to climb back up. Figure our how many times you can blog per week and stick to this schedule. I found that the best that works for me is to blog 5-6 times a week, and I’ve got 1-2 days of break, when I can plan out all of my content. 

11.Include links to your existing relevant posts. This is great for SEO, and also your readers will stay longer on your website, which decreases your bounce rate.

Here’s a great Infographic that I found:

How to increase your website traffic

So there you have it, These are the exact techniques to increase website traffic, that I implement. And I’m sure you’ll never struggle with traffic by using these exact strategies that I just shared with you.


Jelena Ostrovska


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Email: jelena@jelenaostrovska.com

“I help entrepreneurs create a successful brand online using social media & blogging.”

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26 Responses

  1. Love your infographic! These are key tips for successful blogging and I wanted to reiterate the importance of writing compelling headlines. It means the difference between someone clicking on your website or another one in the search results.
    There is a wonderful free tool I want to share –
    CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. It scores your overall headline quality and rates it’s abililty to get results.
    If you try it, would love to know what you think!

    1. That’s a FANTASTIC tool Lisa! I didn’t know about! I’ll definitely be using it when writing headlines for my blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing that!

  2. Thanks alot for the tips and that is a pretty neat infographic you got there. Thanks alot

  3. Thanks Jelena! Excellent tips. Being consistent is something we all know is key but having the discpiline to stick to the plan is something we all struggle with.

  4. Great post Jelena. You have outlined a simple and easy to follow strategy how to get more traffic. This is a very actionable plan that someone can scale into. Thanks for sharing.