5 Easy Social Media Content Ideas

Are you at all creating social media content right now for your audience?

If not, you’re missing out big time! Content is one of the easiest ways to build relationships and rapport with the people that follow you.

The biggest challenge most marketers struggle with is – how do I come up with content? Where do I find piles of content so I never have to worry about it anymore?

Can you relate? I sure can! Had that challenge for a very long time.

So in this post you’re gonna learn 5 easy social media content ideas that you can use every time you’re creating content. And the best part, you don’t have to wait – create it NOW!

Social Media Content Idea #1: Entertainment

Business should be always JUST about business. Have some fun! Remember, people don’t go to social media to buy something. They will go to Google, or eBay or Amazon to do so. Social media’s purpose is to entertain us. Why do you think there’s so many cute cat videos? 😉

Just to give you a couple of examples – you don’t always have to post quotes or business status updates, or recorded videos. Every now and then I post something funny – either a meme, or some kinda story (if you wanna have a good laugh, I share a funny story that happened not that long ago). Mix things up a little bit! A sense of humor never hurt anybody. But again – don’t over-do it. Everything should be balanced.

Social Media Content Idea #2: Education

The other reason people go to social media is education. I personally learn something new up there every day. I watch videos, and read some status updates, sometimes I stumble upon a good article and gonna go read it.

If you’re looking to build a very engaged audience, you have to provide value. How do you do that? Videos is by far the best way to do that. Facebook Live is the easiest way to actually record that video (my fave strategy these days). Share some tips that you’ve learned on a webinar or in a book, or at a live event.

When you educate other people, that’s when the trust is gonna be built up. One of my absolute favorite quotes that I heard last year was – “Leave people better than you found them“. So make sure when people visit your Facebook profile (or any other social media channel), they learn a tip or two.

In the video below I share 3 more easy social media content ideas that you can use to engage with your audience on any platform. As well as I go into a little bit more details as to what you wanna be sharing to have that audience come back for more 😉

5 Social Media Content Ideas

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Jelena Ostrovska

Jelena Ostrovska

Email: jelena@jelenaostrovska.com

Got Questions?Reach Out to Me on Facebook

“Coaching Entrepreneurs Using No BS Marketing Strategies”Jelena Ostrovska

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18 Responses

  1. Great social media points!! I love the conversation one, so many people leave that one out and never talk more than a few words! Also, I am a fan of education/value, with leaders like yourself the value I have received is second to none! Thank you!

  2. Always enjoy your Blog Post !!~~ THANK YOU ALWAYS FOR SHARING WITH US !!~ MUCH Appreciated ♥♥☺☺

  3. I definitely agree with be entertaining. People are very attracted to things that entertain them. More online marketers need to follow this advice when they are trying to attract leads online.

  4. Thank you Jelena for sharing your tips of 5 Social Media Content Ideas. I have had those things happen to me what happened to you on FB Live – LOL.
    I am doing many of those things but you did leave some gold nuggets here that I am not doing. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great ideas for social media content.

    I find that FB Live coupled with blogging is one of my favorite things to do

    Dr. Lisa

  6. Great tips, Jelena! There is such a wealth of information out there, we should never be left lacking a topic for marketing or just engaging! 🙂