Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Review

Have you read the Strengths Finder 2.0 book before? I personally heard about it briefly once or twice, and it caught my attention.

There is the first version of it obviously, but I bought the second one when I saw it in Austin’s airport.

Just finished reading it a few days ago, and decided to do a review on it.

I can tell you upfront that this book is for you regardless whether you are building a business or have a job. This is perfect for either profession.

The very first thing that I do wanna mention about Strengths Finder 2.0 is the book is pretty small, so you’ll be able to read it pretty quickly. The chapters are also very short and are broken down into “pieces”. You can literally read the entire book in a day or two. The language is also very simple to consume for everybody (even for a Russian like me).

What I really liked about the book is that it’s not JUST the book that you’re buying. You also get to access a Strengths Finder test. The coolest thing is you should not be reading the book without going through that test, because it won’t make any sense. This test helps you identify your top 5 strengths. Highly recommend it.

Strengths Finder 2.0 Quotes

“If you focus on people’s weaknesses, they lose confidence.” Tom Rath (Click to Tweet)

“If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything.” Tom Rath

“You cannot be anything you want to be — but you can be a lot more of who you already are.” Tom Rath

“Every human being has talents that are just waiting to be uncovered.” Tom Rath (Click to Tweet)

“Building your talents into real strengths also requires practice and hard work, much like it does to build physical strengths. Tom Rath

“Work is a purpose, not a place. Work is about productively applying your talent. Tom Rath (Click to Tweet)

In the video below I share some more thoughts about the Strengths Finder 2.0 book, and why you may wanna read it (espcially if you’re a coach). I am seriously going to be pointing out every person that I work with to take that test. Feel free to share this with your team!

Strengths Finder 2.0 Book Review

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Jelena Ostrovska


“I help entrepreneurs create a successful brand online using social media & blogging.”

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34 Responses

  1. Thank for the review Jelena. This is a book I haven’t come across before. I am always looking for good ones and this sounds one I would like. Thanks for sharing. Great post.

  2. Thank for the review Jelena. This is a book I haven’t come across before. I am always looking for good ones and this sounds one I would like. Thanks for sharing. Great post.

  3. Nice, I’ve never heard of this person before but the book sounds so insightful! Focusing on our strengths will aid us well in this profession. Thanks Jelena!

  4. Nice, I’ve never heard of this person before but the book sounds so insightful! Focusing on our strengths will aid us well in this profession. Thanks Jelena!

  5. Loved this quote Jelena –

    “Every human being has talents that are just waiting to be uncovered.” Tom Rath

    Definitely adding this book to my list! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Dr. Lisa

  6. This sound like an awesome book. I really like this quote ““If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything.” Reminds me of the quote “Being a jack of all trades and master of none.” Thanks for sharing Jelena!

  7. Jelena
    Great review and yes I will get a copy of the Strengths Finder. Thank you for the heads up.